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Dividends of a Clear Story

We have the best clients here at Wienot Film! We're always so grateful they take the time to write thoughtful reviews and testimonials. We recently received this update from our good friends at Seagrove Rehab Partners:


Just wanted to touch base to share with you some great feedback we received this week related to the video. We are working with a copywriter to update our website. We gave her the link to the video that you did for us and did the initial Q&A with her last week. Then this week she sent us her first draft, and she emailed:

"I'll be honest. The video script you already have is phenomenal. With a few adjustments, it follows the BrandScript Narrative flow to a T. I drafted a different one and deleted it half way through, because the one you have is clearer..."

She went on to say she is giving us a credit off of the package we purchased from her, because of how the video script moved the ball forward in the work we are doing together.

So all that to say, I just wanted you to know how the investment we made with Wienot continues to benefit our business -- even in ways that aren't directly tied to a potential client watching the video itself.

Thanks again for all your help -- we always knew you set the bar high with such a great process and deliverable, but it's nice when other people notice that too.


What's the takeaway? Investing in your story can pay dividends for years to come, often in ways you never expected. So, give us a call when you want to talk about telling your story.


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